Hangover Anxiety Cure: Conquer The Sunday Scaries For Good!

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Have you ever been hungover and felt anxious? You're not alone. While many people know the common hangover symptoms to be a headache, nausea & vomiting, and low energy, there is another lesser-talked about symptom: anxiety.
Some people refer to hangover anxiety as the Sunday Scaries - that dreaded feeling you wake up with after a hectic night of Saturday boozing. You wonder who you talked to last night and what you said - hoping that you didn't have any embarrassing or unpleasant moments you can't remember. And, you may even feel an unfounded fear of what's to come the day ahead.
Hangover-related anxiety is common in both students worrying about finishing up a project for school on Monday and working professionals preparing for the next day of work.
There is no doubt about it - this situation sucks. But the good news is, it's not permanent. And there are solutions to have you feeling better quickly. That's why today, we're going to cover the #1 hangover anxiety cure and other treatments to calm your anxious mind.
Let's start by discussing why this reaction happens in the first place.
Why Do I Get Hangover Anxiety?
Unfortunately, scientists aren't quite sure why you get hangover anxiety. A concrete answer has yet to be uncovered. But studies have found a few reasons that suggest why we feel particularly anxious after drinking alcohol.
We know that drinking alcohol causes you to urinate more than normal. It's also likely that you're not drinking enough water alongside your alcoholic drinks. Both cases can lead to dehydration at some level.
ResearchTrusted Source suggests that dehydration caused by alcohol can contribute to anxiety and other changes in your mood. As such, staying hydrated before, during, and after drinking is imperative in the battle against hangover anxiety.
Alcohol intolerance
Do you ever experience negative symptoms quickly after drinking alcohol? These symptoms may look like a hangover (or even an alcohol allergy). However, this negative reaction to alcohol could be a result of alcohol intolerance.
Sometimes this condition is confused with an alcohol allergy as many of the symptoms overlap. Common alcohol intolerance symptoms include:
- fatigue
- nausea
- dizziness
- headache
- itchy eyes
- rapid heartbeat
- flushed skin or feeling hot
If you've ever dealt with anxiety, you may recognize some of these symptoms, too. Because some of these alcohol intolerance symptoms can overlap with the physical symptoms of anxiety, it may feel like you're anxious, too.
A great way to minimize alcohol intolerance symptoms is by utilizing supplements like Sunset Alcohol Flush Support - also known as the Asian flush pill. Sunset helps the body metabolize alcohol as quickly as possible so these negative symptoms have less of a chance to surface. By breaking down alcohol quickly, your hangover the next day will be reduced, too.
Pre-existing social anxiety
Have you ever been nervous at the bar, so you have a few drinks to loosen up? It's a pretty common occurrence, especially if you have some level of social anxiety.
“Many people use alcohol as a social lubricant,” says Cyndi Turner, LSATP, MAC, LCSW.
As you drink alcohol, you may find that your anxiety, shyness, or nervousness seems to go away. You may become more loud, confident, and outgoing than you normally would be.
However, the effects of alcohol won't last forever. As the alcohol wears away and the hangover begins, you may find that your usual anxiety has returned. In fact, alcohol can worsen anxiety in those who already suffer. And because you're suffering physical hangover symptoms already, the newly returned anxiety seems to be even worse than normal.
Before drinking alcohol, it's important to note whether any of your medications can interact with alcohol. Some anxiety and anti-inflammatory medicines can negatively interact with alcohol. They may even be less effective than usual. This means your anxiety may end up shining through when your medication would typically dull it down.
It's also important to check any of your supplements, vitamins or any other over-the-counter medications and whether they can be safely taken when you drink alcohol. If you're not sure, just make sure to check with your doctor.
Poor sleep
Alcohol can greatly impact your sleep. Due to a chemical process in your brain, alcohol prevents you from reaching a deep sleep after a night of drinking. Even if you are able to fall asleep quickly, you won't get that high-quality sleep your body truly needs to recover.
A poor night's sleep can make people feel more depressed or anxious, especially post-drinking. Unfortunately, a bad night's sleep seems to make a lot of things feel worse.
Hangover Anxiety Cure: How To Eliminate Anxious Feelings After Drinking
While there is no "hangover anxiety cure", there are a few ways you can help minimize your anxiety after drinking alcohol. Here are some tips on how to calm your mind and achieve inner peace the morning after.
Manage physical symptoms
The physical symptoms of a hangover can often exacerbate feelings of anxiety. Your first port of call could be to manage your symptoms as best you can. After a night of heavy drinking, you can:
- Get hydrated by drinking water.
- Eat well depending on how nauseous you feel. If your stomach is really upset, stick to plain foods like dry toast, soup, or crackers. If you're feeling a bit better, try more nutritious food. Contrary to popular belief, it's better if you avoid greasy food during your hangover.
- Take a hot shower. Not only will it make you feel better, but a hot shower can also help wash away the remaining alcohol in your skin and pores. For better results, try to create a steam-room effect in your bathroom. Or, visit your local gym and use the sauna/steam room there. you can literally sweat out those anxious feelings!
- Use pain relief medication if needed. If you've woken up to a raging headache, make sure to take the recommended dose of Ibuprofen. Getting rid of that headache will do wonders for your anxious state.
- If you suffer from long hangovers, make sure to check out our article: Why Do I Get 2 Day Hangovers?
If you're still struggling with anxiety, try some meditation. This practice of mindfulness will do wonders for your mental health. You can either meditate silently by yourself or use a meditation app/Youtube video for guidance. Meditation helps regulate your breathing, calm your thoughts, and can greatly improve feelings of anxiety. Make it a regular part of your life - especially after drinking.
Partake in your favorite hobbies
When feeling anxious, sometimes diving into your favorite hobbies can help minimize your anxiety. Whether it's listening to music, watching your favorite movie, journaling, crafting, cooking, and everything else in between. The busier you can make yourself, the less anxious you'll feel. Doing your favorite activities can help distract your mind away from your anxious thoughts.
Final Thoughts On Hangover Anxiety Cures
Well, there you have it - everything you need to know about curing your alcohol anxiety symptoms. You now have a better understanding of what causes you to feel anxious - and of course, how to remedy them quickly. While there is no fix-all "cure" for these feelings, there are a number of ways you can alleviate the awful feelings and thoughts running through your head.
Remember - the only way to completely prevent or eliminate the ill effects of drinking alcohol is by curbing consumption altogether. Alcohol abuse is a serious problem - and you may need to seek professional help if you believe you suffer from alcohol use disorder. If you don't want to stop drinking altogether, consider drinking less. You'll end up less dehydrated and attain better sleep. And the best part? You'll wake up anxiety-free - ready to conquer the day ahead.
If you want a little extra help in conquering any hangover, remember to check out our alcohol intolerance remedy. Taking Sunset pills before drinking will do wonders - helping your body break down alcohol effectively. Follow our advice, and say goodbye to the Sunday Scaries for good!
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We use a pharmacist-formulated blend of Glutathione, Dihydromyricetin, Cysteine, L-Theanine, & B Vitamins to stop alcohol flushing before it can begin.
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