How to Get Rid of the Spins When Drunk: Stop Dizziness After Drinking With These Tips!

How to Get Rid of the Spins When Drunk: Stop Dizziness After Drinking With These Tips!

⏱️ TL:DR ∙ Article in 20s

The spins are caused by alcohol’s impact on the balance signals sent from the inner ear, causing actual and perceived movement to get confused. To stop the spins, balance yourself on a hard surface and take slow breaths and focus on your senses. While incredibly uncomfortable, the spins aren’t dangerous, and can be eased by sobering up and removing alcohol from your body. To see our favourite method of reducing alcohol’s negative impacts and it’s effects on your balance, click here.

Action items:

Feeling dizzy and disoriented after a night out? If you've ever experienced the spinning sensation and nausea that comes from drinking too much alcohol, you know how unpleasant it can be. The good news is there are ways to minimize "the spins" so you can enjoy yourself without the unwanted side effects.

In this article, we'll explore the causes of feeling dizzy and sick when drunk, as well as actionable tips you can follow to get relief fast. You don't have to give up drinking entirely or be miserable every time you overindulge. With the right strategies, you can stop the room from spinning out of control and feel better in no time.

Read on to learn proven techniques to ease dizzy spells, settle your stomach, rehydrate properly, and get the party back under control so you can have fun without the unwanted hangover headaches.

How To Get Rid Of The Spins When Drunk: 4 Ways to Stop the Dizziness

Ready to learn how to stop the those awful spins? If you want to learn how to stop feeling so sick and dizzy when tipsy, you'll find four different options down below. The next time you feel that awful spinning sensation start to take hold, take a few deep breaths and relax - here's what you can do...

1. Balance yourself

When you feel like the whole room is spinning, it's helpful to make yourself feel more grounded. Simply place one hand on a hard flat surface and one foot on a hard flat surface. While this process won't completely cure your spins, it will make your brain feel less off-balance.

2. Use your other senses

Even when exhausted after a great (but long) night out, many people struggle to sleep when experiencing the spins and it's not surprising why. A solution for the spins when you're trying to sleep is to keep one foot flat on the ground. This can help when laying down with your eyes closed makes the dizziness worse, but you still need to sleep.

3. Slow, deep breaths

Focusing on slow, deep breathing can also help minimise the spins after drinking. Deep breaths can also help lower your heart rate and relax, especially if you're panicking that the room is spinning. Taking slow, deep breaths while practicing the first suggestion (keeping one hand and one foot on a hard, flat surface) can really help when used together.

4. Supplements

There are a lot of supplements popping up on the market that can help metabolise alcohol. By helping your body break down alcohol as quickly as possible, you can help minimise your negative symptoms from alcohol, including getting the spins or feeling dizzy.

Supplements like Sunset Alcohol Flush Support help break down alcohol as quickly as possible, so the body doesn't become overwhelmed with alcohol while it tries to process it.

Dizziness experienced during a hangover can also be reduced with supplements like Sunset, making the day after drinking more comfortable.

Is There a Way to Avoid the Spins in the First Place?

Of course, the best way to avoid getting the spins is to avoid drinking too much alcohol in the first place. You don't have to abstain from alcohol altogether - a few drinks typically won't cause the spins in most people. Rather, it's the excess alcohol that results in that awful spinning sensation you feel.

But how much alcohol is too much? This is a tricky question to answer, as everyone is different. What causes one person to develop that spinning feeling will vary from the next. However, you should start paying attention as you drink and see where your limit is.

Another way to avoid the drunk dizzy feeling you hate so much? Avoid mixing alcohol types. Again - this may not apply to everyone, but some people should avoid mixing different spirits together - or even switching from beer to wine. You should take note of the personal experiences you have with certain types of drinks - and what happens when you mix - and adjust your habits accordingly.

So, make sure you drink within your limit, stay hydrated with water, and don't drink on an empty stomach. This can all help reduce your chances of getting the spins. Of course, this isn't always helpful after the fact but it's certainly something to keep in mind for next time!

Common Symptoms Of The Spins Besides Dizziness

When we talk about getting the spins, most people are referring to feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or experiencing vertigo. But there are a few side effects and other related symptoms of the spins to keep an eye on:

  • Falling
  • Unfocused eyes
  • Swaying while standing
  • Stumbling or staggering
  • Having trouble standing up if you’ve been sitting

What Causes The Spins When Drinking?

We know that drinking too much alcohol too quickly can cause the spins, but what exactly happens during this process?

Having alcohol in your system impacts how the inner ear works. There are a few important parts of the inner ear that are affected when you drink alcohol:

  • In the ear, are three small fluid-filled structures called canals
  • The fluid inside is called endolymph
  • There is also a structure called the cupula, which is filled with hair-like cells called stereocilia.

When you move around while sober, the fluid called endolymph moves, which distorts the shape of the cupula and moves the stereocilia. This process sends electrical signals to the brain regarding movement and balance. In everyday life, this happens automatically and without any issues.

This whole process changes when a person is drinking alcohol. Alcohol thins the blood, which creates a difference in density between the fluid in the canals and the cupula. The shape of the cupula is distorted in ways not associated with the person’s movement, orientation in space, or balance.

The hair-like cells called stereocilia tell the brain that the body is moving much more than it actually is, so the person may feel like the room is spinning or the ground is moving.

While the spins is a common sensation for someone who has drunk past their limit, or has participated in binge drinking, it can also occur for those with a fairly low blood alcohol level. This can be dangerous if the person is still under the legal limit to drive, but may be experiencing the spins making drinking even more dangerous.

Final Thoughts on How to Stop the Spins When Drunk

Well, there you have it. We've explained how to stop the spins when drunk. And now, you can take our advice and put it into action the next time you feel that awful dizzy drunk feeling setting in. We hope this helps! But, here are some key things to remember:

Everyone is different, so each of us will respond differently to the spins, or the best ways to reduce that sensation. However, if you want more support than just touching hard surfaces to balance yourself, looking at supplements such as the Asian flush pill could be a good option.

Because Sunset is created to help the body break down alcohol quickly, it can help lower your chances of experiencing the spinning feeling when you drink alcohol. Learn more about avoiding the consequences that come with drinking alcohol in our blog. We have a great article on the dreaded 2 day hangover - and how to avoid it altogether. You'll also find resources addressing topics like how to get rid of a hangover fast, is Pedialyte good for hangovers, and cures for hangover anxiety!

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