Most people feel pretty awful after a night of drinking alcohol. But do you ever experience nausea from alcohol after one drink? Here's what's happening and how to avoid it.
Do you suffer from Asian flush headaches after you drink alcohol? Nothing ruins a night out like a massive headache. Here's how to stop any Asian flush headache.
Sudden alcohol intolerance occurs when your body unexpectedly reacts to alcohol, causing symptoms like flushing, nausea, and headaches. This can arise due to health changes, new medications, or aging. Learn about the causes, symptoms, and how to manage this surprising reaction in our comprehensive guide.
Why is that you struggle to keep your eyes open after a few glasses of wine? Alcohol impacts your body in lots of ways, including making you sleepy (at first) and then waking you up in the night. Find out why alcohol makes you sleepy and how to minimise this side effect from alcohol.
Many people experience negative symptoms when drinking alcohol, only to come to the conclusion that they must be allergic. When in actuality, that's most likely not the case! Learn more about wine, beer and vodka allergies and what might be causing your negative reaction to alcohol in the first place.
Have you ever felt like your heart rate increases when you drink alcohol? It could be that you’re experiencing a symptom of alcohol intolerance, or Asian Flush. Find out more here.