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DIY Asian Flush Cure: How to Get Rid of Asian Glow Quickly & Safely

DIY Asian Flush Cure: How to Get Rid of Asian Glow Quickly & Safely

⏱️ TL:DR ∙ Article in 20s

While antacids like Tums may seem an easy fix for Alcohol Flushing or Asian Glow, they don't address the dangerous acetaldehyde buildup that has been shown to significantly increase cancer risk. Proven solutions like supplements containing liver supporting Glutathione, NAC, and B Vitamins, allow alcohol consumption without facial flushing. There's no definitive "cure" yet, but treatments like skin care, flush-free cocktails, and hydration can help manage symptoms for a confident social life.

Feeling flushed and uncomfortable after a drink? If alcohol turns your face red and hot, you're not alone. This common reaction, called "alcohol flush," affects many people of Asian descent.

The good news is that while there's no "cure," there are ways to help control and minimize unpleasant alcohol flush symptoms. From taking certain supplements like Sunset alcohol flush support beforehand to pacing yourself while drinking, small tweaks can help you enjoy social situations without the embarrassment and discomfort of a flushed face.

Read on to uncover the root causes of alcohol flush reaction and discover safe, effective tips to manage Asian glow—from time-tested home remedies to the popular Sunset alcohol flush support supplement. With the right information, you can confidently join friends for happy hours andparties without worrying about lighting up like a stoplight.

What Causes Asian Flush In The First Place?

To put it simply, Asian flush is caused due to one’s inability to properly metabolize ethanol (a different name for alcohol), and it’s all because of an enzyme called ALDH2. If you want a super in-depth look at why Asian flush reaction even exists, we wrote a complete guide on the matter. And, our Ultimate Guide To Asian Flush is the #1 resource online. However, we will summarize it for you below.

When alcohol is consumed, it’s metabolized and converted into acetaldehyde, a toxic and often dangerous substance, which undergoes transformation into acetic acid, only to be broken down into the completely harmless CO2 and water.

Since the previously mentioned enzyme basically doesn’t do its job properly, the toxic substance does not get to be broken down further so it accumulates causing the familiar facial redness and flushing.

So far, a cure for this reaction doesn’t really exist/hasn’t been found yet. Nevertheless, there are some pretty effective prevention treatments available, usually in the form of pills. We’ll mention the (number) most effective ones, the best choice being the Sunset pills, so we’ll start with that.

Now, let’s explain how to get rid of asian glow quickly, safely, and most importantly, effectively!

Please note: none of this is medical advice, and we (Sunset) can’t take responsibility for any effects caused by following the information below. Please do your own research and consult with a medical expert before following any of this up.

The Science Behind How To Get Rid Of Asian Glow

When it comes to how to avoid Asian glow, it is all about breaking down acetaldehyde naturally. So your question should shift from how to stop Asian glow, to how to help your body better break down acetaldehyde!

Most people rely on the liver’s ALDH2 enzymes to do all the work. But if you suffer from an alcohol flush reaction, your ALDH2 is deficient. This deficiency is why additional support is required. That's where Sunset Pills come in - allowing you to prevent alcohol flushing without abstaining from alcohol consumption altogether. But - are there other cures for Asian flush? Can you learn how to get rid of Asian glow? Let's take a look...

Oh - and if you want a deeper look at the science behind how to get rid of Asian glow or Asian glow remedies, take a look at our guide to sudden alcohol intolerance.

Can You Really Learn How To Prevent Asian Glow Safely & Effectively?

The internet is brimming with information on Asian flush, including its causes, statistics, studies, and anecdotal examples. However, not enough information can be found regarding its prevention and treatment, so if this piques your interest, you’ve come to the right place. In just a moment, we'll unveil the safest, most effective cures for Asian flush. But first, we want to talk about setting your expectations. While many people consider these tactics to be effective cures for Asian flush, they aren't technically "cures". They're treatment methods. Of course, the only Asian blush cure that works at a 100% rate is limiting your alcohol consumption altogether.

If you follow the advice below, you will not cure Asian glow. Rather, you're learning how to manage the alcohol flush reaction so you can regain your sense of confidence when you drink alcohol. With that said, let's talk about some DIY Asian flush cures you can try at home to alleviate symptoms.

DIY Asian Flush Cures: How to Get Rid of Asian Glow Quickly & Safely

It's the moment you've been waiting for - we've covered all the science behind to how to prevent Asian glow. But now, we're going to teach you how to get rid of Asian glow quickly and safely with these DIY Asian flush cures. Keep in mind we'll be reviewing cures we've found online - and speaking to their efficacy and safety. Don't just skin the headings and run with it - because while some swear by these Asian blush cures, not all of them will cure alcohol flush reaction the way you had hoped. With all that said, let's get into the first Asian blush cure...

DIY Asian Flush Cure #1: Pepto Bismol Or Pepcid AC/Pepcid Complete

Pepcid AC & similar products are both essentially a chemical mix called 'Famotidine'. Famotidine is a histamine-2 blocker (better known as an Antihistamine, specifically, an H2 antagonist).

Famotidine works by decreasing the amount of acid the stomach produces, which is why Pepcid's main use is to settle a bad stomach/indigestion or heartburn.

Pepcid Complete for Asian Flush

As talked about in our previous article explaining the cause of Asian glow, for sufferers the root issue is a genetic defect in an enzyme, ALDH2 - the one that metabolizes alcohol, that causes acetaldehyde (the toxic byproduct of alcohol in humans... think of it like alcohol's waste) to accumulate in the body.

A build-up of acetaldehyde in the body is what essentially makes us drunk, with all the symptoms that I'm sure the majority of us are familiar with: nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness and all that good stuff.

This same ALDH2 enzyme that operates inefficiently in the body of alcohol flush suffers is also responsible for processing histamine, the same chemical involved in allergic reactions that allows more blood flow to areas of your body like your face, causing a flushing reaction.

That means that if you have a genetically changed ALDH2 enzyme, you don’t break down histamines as quickly, either. And that’s when the flushing comes in. When the enzyme works overtime to try to process the alcohol, histamine builds up and causes an extreme flush.

So Zantac, Pepcid AC and other histamine blockers are doing what their names say, blocking histamines to prevent flushing bought on by alcohol consumption.

What about Pepto Bismol and alcohol?

Pepto’s active ingredient is called "bismuth subsalicylate." This has anti-inflammatory properties that reduces irritation that can cause diarrhea and upset stomach. If you're struggling with uncomfortable side effects from drinking alcohol, Pepto might seem like an easy choice. But there's a few ways it interacts with alcohol that aren't ideal.

One of the main issues with Pepto Bismol and alcohol comes down to the liver. The liver is responsible for breaking down both alcohol and Pepto Bismol. But what if the liver is too busy with one to properly deal with the other?

A potential problem is that if the liver is too busy metabolising one product, it may not break down the other as effectively as it should. This could damage the liver and cause alcohol and Pepto to be present in the body longer than normal. If you struggle with Asian Flush, it could mean that alcohol stays in your body longer than it needs to be, causing more symptoms (like a bright red face).

Do Pepcid AC & other histamine blockers actually stop Asian flush?

The short answer is yes. The longer answer is 'yes, but not as well as they could', and studies show that there are some risks. It's important to remember these drugs, like Pepcid, were not created for the treatment of Asian flush. While Pepcid AC, Zantac, and other histamine blockers can help lessen the intensity of alcohol flush reactions, they're not quite silver bullet Asian blush cures. You may require some additional steps to fully get rid of your flush.

There are also some studies that show, while these medications do block the flushing reaction, there are some side-effects that are worth noting: you can get drunk a lot quicker. The behavioural pharmacologist at the University of Kansas Medical Center, Dr Ann Manzardo, revealed:

"H2 (histamine) blockers slow the metabolism of alcohol, increasing peak blood alcohol concentration to potentially dangerous levels."

In other words, Pepcid AC & similar products can increase the rate at which blood alcohol levels rise, causing you to reach your limit much more quickly. If you would like to find out more about this, you can check out our article about Pepcid AC and Zantac for Asian flush.

What about Tums for alcohol flush reaction

While not as common as using Pepcid for alcohol flushing, some people resort to using medications like Tums to help reduce their symptoms when they drink alcohol.

Tums are antacids typically used to treat symptoms like heartburn, upset stomach or indigestion, usually as a result of too much stomach acid in the system. However, antacids can impact other medicines so it's advised not to take other medicines within 2-4 hours of taking an antacid like Tums.

Like the other medical techniques, Tums was not created for treatment against Asian glow and does not address the issue of acetaldehyde build up in your system.

DIY Asian flush cure #2: Makeup

Asian flush makeup guideNote: We received a bunch of emails and social media messages requesting more information about creams and makeup/beauty products that could be used to combat Asian flush, so we put together a special guide on the best 4 beauty products for covering/fighting Asian flush which includes a quick guide to color correction (used a lot in the movie/TV and fashion industry).

Check out our Asian Flush beauty product guide...

You might want to give makeup a try in order to cover your alcohol flush reaction. This is not just advice for women, either. Men should not be afraid to use a little bit of makeup. We advise getting a female friend or family member who uses makeup to help if you're a male with no makeup experience, they can either assist with the application or simply show you the basics.

Xiaofei Jalette, deputy fashion editor of the popular Asian culture media outlet Mochi Mag provides some fantastic advice for using makeup to help with alcohol flush reaction:

“Use a green tinted primer to counterbalance the anticipated red flush. Next, layer on BB cream and dust with a light compact powder to set in the color—thicker layers of BB cream will conceal better, but remember to match your skin tone to maintain a natural look,"

"Follow with your usual eye makeup routine, using primer before and shadow after to avoid smudging. To finish, lightly sweep a peach or coral blush across your cheekbones to give off that natural glow. Remember, you are only painting a ‘canvas’ on your face that will cover up the flush later."

We'd also recommend hitting up YouTube for some fantastic makeup guides and tips. Careful though, you might find yourself watching hours of cool makeup tutorials like one particular Sunset writer.

DIY Asian flush cure #3: Strategic drink selection

This is not really a 'DIY tip' as much as it is advice on changing the way you choose your drinks. The Sunset team has created a fantastic digital book that contains some amazing drink recipes for alcoholic beverages and cocktails specifically designed to reduce alcohol flushing, and it's called Flushed: A drinkers guide to flushing.

Everyone reacts to different drinks differently. Some have severe reactions to white wine while others may react more strongly to beer. Once you have an idea on what drinks bother you most, you can avoid those when you're out and stick to drinks that give you a less alcohol flush reaction.

Here's a short preview from the book explaining how the recipes can help you reduce alcohol flushing:

Flushed: Recipe book containing cocktails that help with Asian Flush

And here's a favourite flush-free cocktail mix, the ever-popular Mojito:

Flush-free Mojito Drink Recipe


  • 3 fresh mint sprigs
  • 1 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1-ounce Simple Syrup
  • 2 ounces white rum
  • Ice
  • 1 1/2 ounces club soda, chilled

Why it helps with alcohol flush

Mojito flush-free recipe

[From the 'Flushed' book:] With simple ingredients with no additives or chemicals, the vitamin C rich lime aids in a small way to mitigate some of the damage done by alcohol's breakdown and acetaldehyde. It's often very cold and has a bitter edge, meaning it can't be drunk too quickly - perfect to sip on as a cocktail on a hot summers day.

Flush-free Mojito Instructions

  1. Place 2 of the mint sprigs, the lime juice, and the simple syrup in a cocktail shaker and press gently against the mint with the back of a spoon to release the oils.
  2. Add the rum and a handful of ice and shake vigorously until the mixture is well chilled - about 20 seconds. Fill a 10-ounce glass with ice and strain the drink into the glass. Top with club soda and garnish with the remaining mint sprig.
  3. Sit back, don your best Hawaii shirt and wayfarer sunglasses, and enjoy your alcoholic beverage... sans the flush!

DIY Asian flush cure #4: Stay hydrated!

Another amazing Asian blush cure is actually the most simple: hydrate! Drinking lots of water can be very beneficial when it comes to Asian flushing and alcohol flush reaction in general, and the reason why is simple.

Having enough water in your system before even starting to drink can be helpful in reducing Asian glow since alcohol dehydrates the body, hence causing more intense blood flow.

This results in facial flaring, so by having plenty of water in your system you may not be able to prevent this reaction, but you may still be able to reduce it at the very least.

Final Thoughts On How To Prevent Asian Glow With These Flush Cures

That concludes our review on how to get rid of Asian glow quickly and safely. As mentioned at the beginning of this article, none of these Asian blush cures are 'knock-it-out-of-the-park' alcohol flush solutions, but they can help reduce your flush problems to more manageable levels.

Sometimes you just need a quick solution for a last-minute night out with friends, you know? And these are the perfect way to keep drinking alcohol and maintaining your social life in confidence - knowing your alcohol flush reaction won't rear its ugly head!

For the ultimate in alcohol flush reaction solutions, however, it really is worth giving Sunset alcohol flush support a try. You can still drink alcohol consumption stress-free - take a chance and see what the hype is all about for this Asian flush cure!

Enjoy drinking again and get Sunset Alcohol Flush Support for
33% off while stocks last!

What’s inside?

We use a pharmacist-formulated blend of Glutathione, Dihydromyricetin, Cysteine, L-Theanine, & B Vitamins to stop alcohol flushing before it can begin.

Learn more
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94% of people who try Sunset are satisfied with the results.

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